Content focused on serving the needs of researchers.

Preprints: Accelerating Research

What are preprints, and how are they changing how biomedical research results are shared?
Should you use information from preprints? Should you share your own research results in a preprint? This course from the National Library of Medicine® explains the basics of preprints, and explores the benefits and considerations of using and submitting preprints.

PubMed Essentials On-Demand

If you’re new to PubMed or just want a refresher this online class is designed for you. The class is made up of 10 short units that include videos, exercises and quizzes. The class gives you the chance to explore PubMed at your own pace with guided tours and exercises. This class takes about 1 hour to complete. 

RD3 Scope Statement and Selection Criteria

The Resources for Data Driven Discovery (RD3) Portal fosters learning and collaboration in data science and data management. The portal will primarily serve librarians and library administrators working in institutions that are generating, sharing, storing, and/or using data for basic scientific, clinical, or translational research and teaching in the health, biological, and physical sciences. As such, the portal will bring together resources on education, outreach and collaboration, best-practices, and current events for data-driven research. The portal will provide librarians with the tools, knowledge, and skills to effectively participate in networked science and teach data topics to Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) stakeholders.