Carolyn Martin, MLS, AHIP

Outreach and Education Coordinator, Region 5

Carolyn Martin focuses on organizations who work with underserved populations such as those who live in rural areas, older adults, those with various abilities, immigrants and refugees, and other minorities. The National Library of Medicine offers a variety of resources on health and science education which she highlights to K-12 educators, school nurses and school librarians to prepare students for biomedical careers as well as to be informed health consumers. Carolyn's interests include, health literacy, genomic health literacy, accessibility, and health news. Carolyn received her undergraduate degree from Goshen College and her MLS from Indiana University. She has been a public librarian and a hospital librarian where working with the public and patients led to her current position. Learn more about Carolyn here

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Climate Change and Health in Alaska: Addressing Inequities and Building Resilience Join us for a talk with Sarah Yoder, Center for Climate and Health at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), about climate change and health in Alaska, particularly how some communities are disproportionately affected. This presentation addresses increasing health equity through information and the NNLM initiative of environmental determinants of health by providing information for a greater understanding of the interconnectedness between climate change and health and how it affects some communities disproportionately in Alaska.
Consumer Health Collection Management - On Demand This 4 credit-hour, on-demand class reviews collection management principles and resources for health-related collections in public libraries.
Consumer Health Information Specialization On Demand Discover the basics of providing consumer health information through 5 independent learning modules. Earn up to 5 hours credit towards a Consumer Health Information Specialization. This presentation addresses the NNLM goals to support a highly trained workforce for biomedical and health information resources and data, improve health literacy, increase health equity through information, and increase health information access and use by including information about the NLM/NIH resources MedlinePlus, PubMed ClnicalTrials, DailyMed and PubChem, and foundational concepts about health literacy and providing consumer health information to communities.
Developing, implementing, and evaluating a mixed-methods community-based participatory research sleep intervention This session will cover research about sleep intervention in families with K-1st grade children living on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Browning, MT.
Environmental Health Literacy: An Engaged Framework for Understanding and Action Dr. Anna Goodman Hoover, a public health researcher and participatory communication scientist, discusses environmental health literacy research. This presentation addresses improving health literacy and the NNLM initiative of environmental determinants of health through research and using an ethical lens to better effectively advance environmental justice for all populations.
Homelessness and Inclusion Health The interactions between homelessness and health are complex. Having a greater understanding of these interactions, of complex trauma, historical trauma including racism, and the negative effects of social exclusion on health is essential for librarians and others in supportive roles.
Is Seeing Really Believing?: Visual Health Misinformation This interactive session will introduce attendees to a wide range of deceptive visual communications ranging from misleading graphs to manipulated images in scientific publications to AI-generated deepfakes. Attendees will gain confidence in analyzing various types of visual information and leave the session with practical ideas for incorporating these skills into programming in a variety of contexts.
NNLM Book Discussion, Nov 1, 2023 - Jan 31, 2024: Palaces for the People by Eric Klinenberg Join us November 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024 to discuss Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg.
Social and Economic Determinants and Environmental Health Dr. Sandro Galea, Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, discusses the intersecting and ineluctable role of a range of social, economic, and environmental factors in shaping the health of populations. This presentation addresses increasing health equity through information and the NNLM initiative of environmental determinants of health by considering the various social, economic, and environmental factors that affect the health of populations.

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